The samosa-kachori of two brothers made people crazy, the taste is such that there is a line of buyers everyday

The samosa-kachori of two brothers made people crazy, the taste is such that there is a line of buyers everyday

Jugal Kalal / Dungarpur. For 15 years in Dungarpur, two brothers from Bhilwara have made the people crazy with their samosas and kachoris. Whenever the people of Dungarpur wake up in the morning and feel like eating samosas and kachoris, the first name that comes to their mind is these two brothers of Bhilwara. On hearing the name of their kachoris and samosas, people’s mouths water. At the same time, their poha is also in great demand.

In the year 2007, Govind Joshi and Gopal Joshi of Bhilwara came to Dungarpur and brought with them the taste of samosas and kachoris and started selling kachoris and samosas by installing a small lorry near Sabela Bai. Whereas, Pohe is served from 6 am till 9 am. Gradually, the taste of his samosas and kachoris started rising on people’s lips. Today the situation is such that there is a crowd of people to eat their samosas and kachoris.

More than 350 samosas-kachoris are sold daily
Gopal Joshi tells that, when he started selling samosas and kachoris in Dungarpur, hardly 10 to 15 were sold a day. Gradually sales also started picking up. Today the situation is such that about 350 samosas and kachoris are released daily. Gopal further tells that though samosa kachori is not anything special. But after boiling moong dal, the spice of kachori is prepared at home by adding gram flour, Malvi red chili and home-made garam masala. Kachori is prepared by frying in groundnut oil on medium flame. There is no special spice in it. Just the love of the people of Dungarpur has made Kachori special.

Will have to come here to eat samosas and kachoris
If you also want to eat samosa-kachoris made by these two brothers of Bhilwara. So you have to be near Rotary Club of Sabella Bypass. Here you will get Samosa Kachori and Poha for Rs.12. At the same time, their lorry remains open from 5 in the morning till 5 in the evening.

Tags: food, food 18, Local18

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